University Course Planner The University of Adelaide Australia

Class Details

Enrolment class
This is the first class you must enrol in and it could be any type of class - eg a lecture, tute prac etc.

Related class
These are the other required classes for the course and could be any type of class - lecture, tutorial, practical, seminar, etc. Usually you will need to choose one class from a list for each related class.

Auto Enrol class
Sometimes when you select the enrolment class you may be automatically enrolled into a related class. These are identified to enable you record all of your class times. These classes will be identified in Access Adelaide from the [Auto Enrol] listing in the Action column when adding classes.

Class Nbr
All classes are identified by a class number, when you are enrolling in Access Adelaide you can enter the Enrolment Class number to save time and then select any Related Classes by class number.

All classes are also identified by a section, these are related to the type of class, for example, LE01 is a lecture and is the first occurrence. Sections beginning with a number first eg. "01NT" indicates a non-timetabled class.

This is the maximum size of students who can enrol in this class.

This is the number of places currently available in this class. If the class is full, you cannot enrol in it online, and will have to choose another class.

Dates, Days and Times
All classes have at least two rows of dates, days and times, this is because classes occur before and after the mid semester break. If a class is taught in alternate weeks or consists of a series or stream of classes, it may have more than two rows. If you look carefully you can work out the weeks, days and times that each class is taught.

This column contains the building, room number and (sometimes) a room description. If you don't know where a building is, check the maps at Campuses & Maps.