University Course Planner The University of Adelaide Australia

COMMERCE 7039 - Business Research Methods (M)

Career: Postgraduate Coursework
Units: 3
Term: Trimester 3
Campus: North Terrace
Contact: Up to 36 hours
Available for Study Abroad and Exchange: Yes
Available for Non-Award Study: Yes
Assumed Knowledge: MARKETNG 7104, ECON 7200, ACCTING 7025 and COMMGMT 7006. This course assumes foundational learning and should only be taken in the second half of your Program.

This course is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to determine the information necessary to address an identified research problem (basic or applied) and, using this understanding, develop and use an actionable research proposal. In this process, the students will gain an understanding of relevant approaches and elements of undertaking a research enquiry specifically to provide insights to solving a relevant problem. They will develop critical core competencies and skills required to carry out such an enquiry. These competencies and skills include: defining research questions; setting appropriate research objectives; study design that incorporates research objectives and budgetary constraints; secondary and primary data collection and instruments; sampling and analysis methods; and effective reporting of results; as well as the importance of ethical conduct in conducting research in both a domestic and in international business contexts.

Course Fees

To display course fees, please select your status and program below:

Student Status


What type of place are you studying in

Commonwealth supported
Full fee paying

Study Level

Postgraduate Coursework
Non Award

Program of Study

Study Abroad student tuition fees are available here

Only some Postgraduate Coursework programs are available as Commonwealth Supported. Please check your program for specific fee information.


Course Outline

A Course Outline which includes Learning Outcomes, Learning Resources, Learning & Teaching for this course may be accessed here

Critical Dates

Term Last Day to Add Online Census Date Last Day to WNF Last Day to WF
Trimester 3 Mon 22/09/2025 Wed 24/09/2025 Fri 31/10/2025 Wed 26/11/2025

Class Details

Enrolment Class: Seminar
Class Nbr Section Size Available Dates Days Time Location
36050 SE02 60 23 10 Sep - 26 Nov Wednesday 12pm - 3pm Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite
36068 SE01 60 33 9 Sep - 25 Nov Tuesday 9am - 12pm Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite