University Course Planner The University of Adelaide Australia

PROJMGNT 5021 - Project Management Fundamentals

Career: Postgraduate Coursework
Units: 3
Term: 4439
Campus: North Terrace
Contact: Up to 3 hours per week
Available for Study Abroad and Exchange: Yes
Available for Non-Award Study: Yes
Assessment: Individual and group assignments

This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI). Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. Key topics covered include project scope, time, resource and quality management, risk, procurement, integration, stakeholders, and communication.

Course Fees

To display course fees, please select your status and program below:

Student Status


What type of place are you studying in

Commonwealth supported
Full fee paying

Study Level

Postgraduate Coursework
Non Award

Program of Study

Study Abroad student tuition fees are available here

Only some Postgraduate Coursework programs are available as Commonwealth Supported. Please check your program for specific fee information.


Course Outline

A Course Outline which includes Learning Outcomes, Learning Resources, Learning & Teaching for this course may be accessed here

Critical Dates

Term Last Day to Add Online Census Date Last Day to WNF Last Day to WF
4439 Mon 16/09/2024 Wed 18/09/2024 Fri 25/10/2024 Wed 20/11/2024

Class Details

Enrolment Class: Seminar
Class Nbr Section Size Available Dates Days Time Location
36082 SE01 120 45 22 Oct - 24 Oct Tuesday, Thursday 9am - 5pm Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room
12 Nov - 14 Nov Tuesday, Thursday 9am - 5pm Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room