University Course Planner The University of Adelaide Australia

ACCTING 1002MELB - Introductory Accounting

Career: Undergraduate
Units: 3
Term: 4410
Campus: Melbourne
Contact: Up to 3 hours per week
Restriction: Available only to University of Adelaide Melbourne Campus students
Available for Study Abroad and Exchange: Yes
Available for Non-Award Study: Yes
Incompatible: ACCTING 1002, ACCTING 1002OUA, ACCTING 1002UAC, ACCTING 1002UACM

The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.

Course Fees

To display course fees, please select your status and program below:

Student Status


What type of place are you studying in

Commonwealth supported
Full fee paying

Study Level

Postgraduate Coursework
Non Award

Program of Study

Study Abroad student tuition fees are available here

Only some Postgraduate Coursework programs are available as Commonwealth Supported. Please check your program for specific fee information.


Course Outline

A Course Outline which includes Learning Outcomes, Learning Resources, Learning & Teaching for this course may be accessed here

Critical Dates

Term Last Day to Add Online Census Date Last Day to WNF Last Day to WF
4410 Tue 12/03/2024 Thu 21/03/2024 Fri 03/05/2024 Fri 07/06/2024

Class Details

No classes available.